Sunday, June 19, 2011

CSA Sunday (Box # 5)

We got an unexpected surprise in our box this week - a pound of grass fed Angus hamburger! Now we don't usually buy beef (except for an occasional steak) since Chris does so well at providing us with plenty of Venison for the year, so this will be a nice treat for a cook-out.

We also received summer squash, zucchini, thyme, basil, cucumbers, new potatoes, turnips, red cabbage, peas and eggs. You can also see the ribs Chris was preparing for Father's Day.

So what to do with all of this? Here's the plan:

Cole Slaw to go with the BBQ on Sunday (Cabbage)

Save the Cucumbers for pickling

Make 4 loaves of zucchini/squash bread and shred the rest to freeze for bread this winter

Freeze the turnips for adding to mashed potatoes

Shell and freeze the peas (will probably have some in my salads this week)

Dry the thyme and basil

The potatoes will be used through out the week with dinners.

I am still having fun seeing what we will get every week - it's like Christmas! Chris thinks we have too many vegetables but we're not throwing anything out!

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