Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Menu Plan Monday (Tuesday)

You will notice that this weeks menu looks an awful lot like last weeks ... well I did not follow the menu last week and have no clue as to what we ate. I did manage to make Valentine's cookies for Madelynn's class but I wasn't happy with how they turned out so I there aren't any pictures.

Monday 2/15
Tenderloin, mashed potatoes, Veggie blend

Tuesday 2/16
Soup and Salad
Pinto Beans, cornbread

Wednesday 2/17
Lean Cuisine
Shrimp Fried Rice

Thursday 2/18
Sandwich and Soup

Friday 2/19
Lean Cuisine
Sheppard's pie in crock pot

Saturday 2/20
Smoothie, Eggs, Toast
Grilled Pork chops

Sunday 2/21
Pork shoulder in smoker or chili with cornbread

Monday 2/22
Soup and Sandwich
Enchilada Bake

I'll let you all know how the shepherd's pie in the slow cooker turns out - recipe if it works! Also I will be going out of town overnight without Madelynn on Friday. Wish me luck, I know she will have lots of fun with Daddy while I'm gone.

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