Thursday, May 10, 2012

Garden Stuff

With the warm weather starting so early here, or the winter weather never coming, we have been busy outside.  Chris expanded our garden by adding a 4 x 8 raised bed to go with the two 4 x4 beds from last year.  He also added a slant support for the cucumber to climb (if they ever get that far).
I think we at the point now to just enjoy the yard insead of working every weekend!

For Ladybug we planted a blueberry bush in a large container on the deck.

Here's the slant support Chris built, you can barely see the cucumbers (we started from seed this year).  Under the support there is lettuce that is growing nicely.  The first row is sweet and hot peppers, we are going to try our hand at canning our own salad peppers this year.

This bed has yellow squash in the first row, zucchini in the second and then a row of and heirloom type tomato.  That empty row is waiting for our Roma and Cherry tomoatoes to get big enough to transplant.

Ladybug and I attended a kids workshop over the weekend and she built this little planter box (almost) buy herself!  We planted some Forget me not seed I got from work.

These are the tomatoes (and some Basil seeds) that are almost ready to be moved.

What you don't see is the new bed Chris built since that's our 'trial' planter this year.  We put some corn, watermelon and cantaloupe seed in and are hoping for the best!


Suzanne said...

So jealous! When your crops come in, let me know and I'll pay you to share. :-)

Grandee said...

Not tha sounds like a great idea!!
I'll do the same, but you have to invite us to dinner. Can't wait it's going to be so good.
Love to all kisses to the girls

Grandee said...


Anonymous said...

Put some cover over the Blueberries, or you will have happy birds, and sad daughters