
My name is Sarah and I am the unexpected hippie!  I am a wife, mom, full-time employee, daughter, sister, friend and daughter of the King of Kings. He has blessed me with my husband and daughters and granted me the strength and will to care for them as He desires.

So how did the Unexpected Hippie come about?  It all started when Chris and I found out that we were expecting our first child.  In an effort to save money I decided that we would cloth diaper.  Well that led to wanting to make my own baby food, which led to discovering baby led weaning.  When I started thinking about what was in the food I was feeding our daughter things really started jumping out at me - did I want to risk her health with highly processed and chemically altered foods?  So one baby step at a time I began swapping foods to more natural choices.  We also decided that spreading vaccinations out over a longer period of time seemed to fit better with our beliefs and therefore selectively vaccinate.

Now I have become addicted to the adorable cloth diapers, discovered that babies will tell you what they need and want (baby wearing and co-sleeping) and scare the grandparents by giving our babies whatever it is we happen to be eating (no spoon feeding here!).  We are also working our way out of debt by using the information we learned through Financial Peace University and Dave Ramsey - it is a long, tough road but each baby step is worth it all.  Especially when we look at our goal of having me home full time to homeschool.

Lately I have begun baking our bread (and day-dreaming about a grain mill), canning and freezing fresh, local, organic produce, growing a backyard garden and trying to instill a love of the Lord and demonstrate a virtuous woman to our girls.

God constantly has to remind me that loving Him is above all else and thank goodness that He graciously forgives as I need it daily.  I am so thankful that I have His love and Grace to sustain me and am blessed by his awesome generosity.