Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of School

Ladybug started her first day of "school" yesterday. She's now attending The Goddard School and boy was she a big girl. Just a few tears and she was fine, I on the other hand cried until 11am (she was dropped off at 7am). So much for getting any work done. Now this whole process has been difficult for me, I've gone back and forth on being excited and completely against it. I just can't accept that she's old enough to be alright in a daycare setting. A call to her teacher around 8am let me know that she was doing just fine and I resisted the urge to go and get her anyways. Turns out that she's growing up faster than I am.

So all day long I struggled with the feeling that something just wasn't right, I couldn't explain it though. Finally 3:30 and I could leave work. Ten minutes later I walk into her room and she's just happy as can be (she was eating, they must have been bribing her with food all day!) Her teachers said she did great and her daily report told us all about what she did during the day.

She got to paint, play with glue, paper and sand, look for birds outside, sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and climbed a foam mountain.

I am quite surprised at how well she's transitioned to this new place. I guess all the interaction with the sitter's children helped get her used to other people. We are forever grateful to our sitter for opening her home to Ladybug over this past year and taking such good care of her. I know she's adjusted so well because she's always felt loved and safe either with Chris and I or with her sitter.

This morning went much better and without tears, so I know that it will be better each day.


Grandee in PA said...

My beautful Grandaughter, I don't like it when you are feeling so bad, I wish I could take all the pain for you. Please feel better soon.
Love ya lots,

Grandee in Pa. said...

My most special Grandaughter,
I'm so proud of you, the only thing that bothers me, you are growing up way too fast!!!!
Please slow down. Paint me a picture,and I love the song Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. We have to sing it some time.
Remember you are loved lots,